You are listening to "Little Drummer Boy"
~One Of His Presents To Me~
Of all the Christmas presents he will give to me
One is more precious than any of the others
This is something unique, only he could give
Not from another, not sister or brother
He has given to me what the world calls treasures
Of all of them I have been quite glad
He knows things to buy to make me happy
Things any woman would like to have had
Silver and gold, all kinds of jewelry
Flowers, or pretty clothes to wear
Shoes, perfume, candy and trinkets
And all kinds of things that we share
But nothing in the world can compare
To what he has given me since our loves start
The one gift I treasure above all else he has given
Is his gift to me of his precious, loving HEART
© Copyright 2003 Ethel GG Kent
~Memories Of Christmas Eve~
There are such fond holiday memories
Entering so clearly into my mind
Of when I was just a little girl
And it was once again Christmas time
We were so very happy and excited
When Christmas Eve would come around
My brother and I would quietly listen
Making not even a little sound
We were listening for the reindeer
As upon the roof they would prance
We knew they soon would be landing
As old Santa would laugh and dance
We would hear the jingle bells
As the sound was clearly ringing
It was so hard for us to be quiet
And to not burst out in singing
Sweet childhood memories are vivid
Forming in my mind, crystal clear
Oh, I feel the excitement in the air
For Christmas time is almost here!!
© Copyright 2005 Ethel GG Kent
~The Reason For The Season~
People are busy buying presents
For Christmas time is near
Desiring to buy the perfect gift
For ones they hold so dear
Yet, we need to remind ourselves
Of the meaning of this season
Lest we should tend to forget
The true and real reason
For we are celebrating
A very special birth
When God gve His only son
To send Him to this earth
He was born to the virgin Mary
In a humble beginning that day
There was no room in the inn
No place for them to stay
Then, the innkeeper remembered stables
Asking if they wanted to stay there
The babe was wrapped in swaddling clothes
Being born with animals everywhere
It was a grand and glorious occasion
Far and near the news spread
For born was the baby Jesus
The blessed promise God had made
The most perfect gift was given
That would ever be given to anyone
This gift is the reason for the season
Jesus, God's one and only Son
© Copyright 2005 Ethel GG Kent
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